How did you come to find out about the Soke and what drove your interest to continue in Kiyojute Ryu
I actually found the Soke through his writings in martial arts magazines. A younger cousin of mine was selling magazine subscriptions,...
How did you come to find out about the Soke and what drove your interest to continue in Kiyojute Ryu
Is mixed martial arts effective against every other martial art form? Can it be used in real life?
Bob, I’ve been looking for an example of a tanbo kata. Do you know where I could find any?
Is your martial art practiced in a traditional way?
Why do we have and practice martial arts? What are they good for?
What’s the deal with all the titles? I’ve heard of senseis, but what are all the others?
I love the stories about the amazing feats of the old masters. What are some of your favorites?
Why do you train with weapons like nunchaku and sai? I don’t walk around with those in my jacket.
What is the most brutal martial art?